Unnie. Why u care of her so much?
I have no idea. When u back to japan?
Unnie^^ latter byebyebyebye..
Yumi unnie^^ l0ok.. I'm n0t free t0day and i have t0g0 t0 sch0ol n0w byebye.
Unnie^^ t0m0row i pr0mise~ Ok??
Unnieeee!! i've t0ok y0u toured bef0re D0nt u en0ugh???
Letz be saturday-sunday 0kKkk???
Ayumi unnie!!! I d0n't have al0t 0f time f0r y0u t0day i have tog0 to sch0ol.. Ab0ut y0u'll pay itz n0t imp0rtand the imp0rtand iz i'm n0t free^^
R u angry at me?? Ok up t0 yu yumi!!
Im n0t free t0day! Letz be t0m0row ok??
H0w l0ng have u been here??
Shez my friendship!! S0 n0rmal that we're seemz like t0 cl0se kekeke^^^
Thankz!! Seemz y0u d0nt like jinNy right???
I never th0ught t0 met y0u in se0ul.. Y0u s0 pretty yumi!
0kay!! See y0u t0m0r my cute gurl!!! Kekeke^^^