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13 years ago

NeVeR Go aWaY WhEn yOu fInD SoMe fAuLtS,
aLwAY`s rEmEmBeR ThAt iN AnY ReLaTiOnShIpS
yOu nEeD 'aFfEcTiOn' NoT 'pErFeCtIoN'...!!

A GrEaT ReLaTiOnShIp iSn't
wHeN A PeRfEcT CoUpLe cOmEs tOgEtHeR,
bUt An iMpErFeCt cOupLe LeArNs tO EnJoY ThEiR DiFfErEnCeS...

tHe bEsT ReLaTiOnShIp iS
WhEn yOu tWo cAn aCt LikE
LoVeRs aNd bEsT FrIeNdS...
">http://www.isanam.com/scraps/hi-hello/hi-hello-2.jpg" border="0"/>
">http://www.isanam.com/scraps/hi-hello/hi-hello-4.gif" border="0"/>
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">http://www.goodlightscraps.com/content/take-care-scraps/take-care-7.gif" border="0"/>

ok yarr.
13 years ago

13 years ago

YoU NeVeR KnOw wHo yOuR TrUe fRiEnDs aRe
uNtIl tHe tEaRs aRe rUnNiNg dOwN YoUr fAcE.
ThE TrUe fRiEnDs aRe tHe oNeS HoLdInG YoUr
hAnD WhiLe ThEiR ShIrTs aRe sOaKeD WiTh yOuR TeArS... ♥♥
WhIlE EvErYbOdY eLsE iS JuSt sTaNdInG ArOuNd
wOnDeRiNg wHaT’S WrOnG WiTh yOu..!

mAiNe uSsE PuChA KaIsE HoTi hAi rOoH JiSm sE aLaG.
uSnE MeRa hAtH ChOdKaR DiKhA DiYa...
mAiNe pUcHa kAiSi aTi hAi mAuT Se PhLe KyAmAt...
uSnE MeRi zInDaGi sE DoOr jAkAr dIkHa dIyA...
Is qAdAr mUjHkO SaTaTe hO TuM,
BhOoL JaNe pE BhI YaAd aAtE Ho tUm,
rAaT Ke sAnNaTo mE JaB KaBhI KhUdA Se mAaNgA MaInE KuCh,
Dost mErE DiL Ki dUa bAn jAtE Ho tUm!!...

">http://www.goodlightscraps.com/content/miss-you/miss-you-2.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://www.goodlightscraps.com/content/miss-you/miss-you-5.jpg" border="0"/>

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yah i have bt i forgot password

13 years ago
Mai pc se or mobile dono se chalata hu
13 years ago


13 years ago
thanx mai theek hu tum kaise ho?
13 years ago

13 years ago
13 years ago

The 3 Toughest Questions a Woman Can Ask a Man...
The questions are:

Do i LOoK FaT?
Do yOu LovE Me?
WhaT WoUlD YoU Do iF I DiEd?
WhaT MaKeS ThEsE QuEsTiOnS So dIfFiCuLt iS ThAt eVeRy oNe iS GuArAnTeEd tO ExpLodE InTo a mAjOr aRgUmEnT If tHe mAn aNsWeRs iNcOrReCtLy (i.e TeLlS ThE TrUtH). ThErEfOrE, aS A PubLic sErViCe, EaCh qUeStIoN Is aNaLyZeD BeLoW, aLoNg wItH PoSsIbLe rEsPoNsEs. qUeStIoN # 1: dO I LoOk fAt?
tHe cOrReCt aNsWeR Is aN EmPhAtIc: ''Of cOuRsE NoT!'' aMoNg tHe iNcOrReCt aNsWeRs aRe:
cOmPaReD To wHaT?
I WouLdn't cALL YoU FaT, bUt yOu'rE NoT ExActLy ThIn.
a LittLe ExTrA WeIgHt LooKs gOoD On yOu.
i'vE SeEn fAtTeR.

QuEsTiOn # 2: Do yOu LovE Me?
tHe pRoPeR ReSpOnSe iS: ''yEs!'' Or, If yOu fEeL A MoRe dEtAiLeD AnSwEr iS In oRdEr, ''YeS, dEaR.'' iNaPpRoPrIaTe rEsPoNsEs iNcLuDe:
i sUpPoSe sO.
WoUlD It mAkE YoU FeEl bEtTeR If i sAiD YeS?
ThAt dEpEnDs oN WhAt yOu mEaN By lOvE.
DoEs iT MaTtEr?
wHo, Me?

qUeStIoN #3: WhAt wOuLd yOu dO If i dIeD?
A DeFiNiTe nO-WiN QuEsTiOn. (tHe rEaL AnSwEr, Or cOuRsE,
nO MaTtEr hOw yOu aNsWeR ThIs, Be pRePaReD FoR At LeaSt aN HoUr oF FoLLoW-uP QuEsTiOnS, uSaLLy aLoNg tHe tHeSe LinEs:
ShE.... WoUlD YoU GeT MaRrIeD AgAiN?
He.... dEfInItElY NoT!
ShE.... wHy nOt – dOn't yOu lIkE BeInG MaRrIeD?
He.... oF CoUrSe i dO.
ShE.... tHeN WhY WoUlDn't yOu rEmArRy?
hE.... OkAy, I'D GeT MaRrIeD AgAiN.
ShE.... yOu wOuLd? (wItH A HuRtFuL LoOk oN HeR FaCe)
hE.... YeS, i wOuLd.
ShE.... WoUlD YoU SlEeP WiTh hEr iN OuR BeD?
He….. wHeRe eLsE WoUlD We sLeEp?
ShE.... WoUlD YoU PuT AwAy mY PiCtUrEs, AnD RePlAcE ThEm wItH PiCtUrEs oF HeR?
He.... tHaT WoUlD SeEm lIkE ThE PrOpEr tHiNg tO Do.
ShE.... AnD WoUlD YoU LeT HeR UsE My GoLf cLUbS?
He.... sHe cAn't uSe tHeM; sHe's LefT-HaNdEd.

">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/0ef82dc1f68dd67b444fa3406b6ff210.gif" border="0"/>
13 years ago

'OnCe a wIsE MaN AsKeD 2 GoD,
WhAt iS ThE MeAnInG Of LifE?
gOd RepLiEd: LifE ItSeLf hAs nO MeAnInG In iT,
LifE Is aN OpPoRtUnItY To cReAtE A MeAnInG...
GoD Is tHe bEsT LiStEnEr..
yOu dOn't nEeD To sHoUt nOr cRy LouD.
BeCaUsE He hEaR'S EvEn tHe vErY SiLeNt
pRaYeR Of a sInCeRe hEaRt.'

'ChAaR PaLo kI H Ye zInDgAaNi, iSe uSuLoN Me mAt sAmEtNa..
KhUd kE HiSsE Ka tO Ji LetE HaI SaBhI,
KaBhI DuSrO Ka hIsSa b bAnKaR DeKhNa...
MaYuS HoNa eK GuNaH HoTa h...
MiLtA WaHi jO KiSmAt mE LiKhA HoTa h..
HaR ChIz mIlE HuMe zArUrI NaHi,
kUcH ChIzO K InTzAr mE Hi mAzA HoTa h....
rAaT Ne cHaDr sAmEt Li H..
SuRaJ Ne kIrNe bIkHeR Di h..
ChLiYe uThIyE,ThAnKs kIjIyE Us kHuDa kO...
JiSnE ApKo iTnI PyArI SuBh dI H..
gUd mRnG...
miss you frn
13 years ago
">http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOxNCOwPUHiAd9AnfBlBkO7TNc3KkoBYdYdUuW9ZcSuuXlIVyHbNP5Ej9Q" border="0"/>

happy new year bro............
13 years ago

A PeRsOn vIsItEd tHe gOvErNmEnT MaTcHmAkEr fOr mArRiAgE,
sDu, AnD ReQuEsTeD 'i aM LoOkInG FoR A SpOuSe.
pEaSe HeLp Me tO FiNd a sUiTabLe OnE.''
ThE SdU OfFiCeR SaId, 'yOuR ReQuIrEmEnTs, PLeaSe.'
''Oh, GoOd LooKiNg, PoLiTe, HuMoRoUs , sPoRtY,
kNowLdGeAbLe, GoOd iN SiNgInG AnD DaNcInG.
wiLLiNg tO AcCoMpAnY Me tHe wHoLe dAy aT HoMe dUrInG My LeiSuRe hOuR,
iF I DoN'T Go oUt.
TeLLinG Me iNtErEsTiNg sToRiEs wHeN
I NeEd cOmPaNiOn fOr cOnVeRsAtIoN
AnD Be siLEnT WhEn i wAnT To rEsT.'
ThE OfFiCeR LiStEnEd cArEfuLLy aNd rEpLiEd,
'i uNdErStAnD YoU NeEd tELivIsIoN.'

wHeN YoU HoLd sOmEoNe,
HoLd tHeM LiKe iTs tHe LasT TiMe yOu sEe tHeM,
AnD wHeN ThEy gO,
dOn't mAkE AnY ReAsOnS FoR ThEm tO StAy.
Let tHeM FiNd a rEaSoN To rEtUrN...
">http://friends18.com/img/friends/0776.jpg" border="0"/>
">http://friends18.com/img/friends/0605.gif" border="0"/>
">http://friends18.com/img/friends/0602.jpg" border="0"/>
fantastic friday
miss u...

13 years ago
My name is Lilian,
i saw your profile today at (www.ownskin.com) and became interested in you, i will also like to know you more, and i want you to send an email to my email address so that i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email address (lilianuwanga50@yahoo.com)
I believe we can move from here. I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.
(Remember that distance or co-lour does not matter but love matters allot in life.

Please do not contact me in the site email, contact me directly in my box at (Lilianuwanga50@yahoo.com) because I'm really interesting in knowing you.

yours new friend.
13 years ago

**ImaGiNe iF AlL ''ReLAtioNsHiPs'' R PeRfEcT:

...nO FiGhTs ...nO TeArS ...No aRgUmEnTs,
...nO MiSuNdErStAnDiNgS
DrEAm cOmE TrUe...
BuT wItHoUt tHeSe, ThErE WoUlD Be…
...No sOrRy ...hUgS & KiSsEs,
...nO SaYiNg oF ThE SwEeTeSt wOrDs,
...nO ReAsOnS To sTaY.
...nO GrOwTh oF FaItH In bOtH Of yOu.
NoW wOuLd yOu wAnT It tO Be pErFeCt
TrUe ReLAtioNsHiP bLosSoMs,
WheN YoU WiLL Be sOrRy fOr yOuR MiStAkEs,
hUgS & KiSsEs...
A ChAnCe oF SaYiNg oF ThE SwEeTeSt wOrDs...
FiNd rEaSoNs tO StAy....
GroW FaItH In bOtH Of yOu....:**gOOd EvEniNg...

13 years ago

13 years ago
Never feel sad on losing anything in your life,

because whenever a Tree loses its leaf,
a new leaf is ready to take its place." gud evening
13 years ago

A BoY WaS TeAcHiNg a gIrL ArItHmEtIc,
He sAiD It wAs hIs mIsSiOn..
He kIsSeD HeR OnCe; He kIsSeD HeR TwIcE AnD SaId,
'nOw tHaT'S AdDiTiOn..
iN SiLeNt sAtIsFaCtIoN, sHe sWeEtLy gAvE ThE KiSsEs bAcK AnD SaId,
'nOw tHaT'S SuBtRaCtIoN...
ThEn hE KiSsEd hEr, ShE KiSsEd hIm, WiThOuT An eXpLaNaTiOn.
AnD BoTh tOgEtHeR SmILEd aNd sAiD, 'ThAt's mUlTiPlIcAtIoN..
ThEn hEr dAd aPpEaReD UpOn tHe sCeNe aNd mAdE A QuIcK DeCiSiOn.
He kIcKeD ThAt bOy tHrEe bLoCkS AwAy aNd sAiD,
'ThAts lOnG DiViSiOn!
MaTh iS HaRd wHeN YoU CaUgHt
hAvE A LaUgHiNg NighT

SwEEt DrEaMs BrUsH Ur TeeTh BeForE sLeEp
13 years ago
Hello brother how are you?
13 years ago
Hello brother how are you?
13 years ago

FoUr cAndLEs sLoWLy BuRnEd...
tHe aMbiaNcE WaS SoFt, OnE CoULd ALMoSt hEaR ThEm tALkiNg...
ThE FiRsT CaNdLe sAiD: *i aM PeAcE!*
tHe wOrLd iS FuLL oF AnGeR AnD FiGhTiNg NoBoDy cAn kEeP Me Lit!.
ThEn tHe fLaMe oF PeAcE WeNt oUt cOmPLetLy.
*ThE SeCoNd cAnDlE SaId *i aM FaItH*
*i aM No LonGeR InDiSpEnSabLE.
It dOeSn’t mAkE SeNsE ThAt i sTaY LiT AnOtHeR MoMeNt.*
JuSt tHeN A BrEeZe sOftLY BLeW fAiThS fLAmE.
SaDLy ThE ThIrD CaNdLe bEgAn tO SpEaK. *i aM LoVe*
PeOpLe dOn’t uNdErStAnD My iMpOrTaNcE So tHeY SiMpLy pUt mE AsIdE.
ThEy eVeN FoRgOt tO LoVe tHoSe wHo aRe nEaReSt tO ThEm!.
AnD WaItInG No LOnGeR LoVeS FLamE WeNt oUt.
sUdDenLY a cHiLd eNtErS ThE RoOm aNd sAw tHe tHrEe uNLit cAnDLes.
*WhY ArEn’t yOu bUrNiNg?
yOuR SuPPosEd tO StAy Lit tiLL ThE EnD.*
sAyInG ThIs, ThE ChIlD BeGaN To cRy.
tHeN ThE FoUrTh cAnDLE AnSwErEd *dOn’t bE AfRaId,
*I Am hOpE!* wHiLe i aM StiLL BuRnInG We cAn rE-LiGhT ThE OtHeR CaNdLeS* WiTh sHiNiNg eYeS ThE ChILd ToOk tHe cAnDLe Of hOpE
AnD LiT ThE OtHeR CaNdLeS.ThE GrEaTeSt oF ThEsE Is LOvE...
bUt tHe fLaMe oF HoPe sHouLd NeVeR Go oUt iN YoUr LifE!
i hOpE EaCh oF Us cAn LivE WiTh pEaCe,,FaItH AnD LoVe...
i hOpE I`M Nt bOtHeRiNg yOu bY A ShOrT MeSsAgE...
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