╰╮╰╰╮╮ ♡ ... ♡ ╰╰╮╮╰╮ When a little girl puts her energy to give her dad a kiss; That’s LOVE… When a wife makes tea for her husben and take a sip before him; That’s LOVE… When a mother gives her son to best piece of cake; That’s LOVE… When your friend holds your hand tightly on slippery road; That’s LOVE… When your brother/sister messages you and ask if you reached home on time; That’s LOVE… LOVE is not just a guy holding a girl and around the city…
LOVE is all around us... LOVE is actually how much we 'CARE' ">http://img.dolaza.com/2/couples/couples2.gif" border="0"/> EACH OTHER... GUT EVENING
Each day is a new opportunity to express and share my love for you... this is what makes the morning so good... HAVE A GOOD MORNING AND A WONDERFUL DAY AHEAD
Good morning ">http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/01/198843/198843.jpg" border="0"/> WE SPEND OUR DAYS WATING FOR THE IDEA PATH TO APPEAR IN FRONT OF US . BUT WHAT WE FORGET IS THAT , PATHS ARE MADE BY WORKING , NOT BY WATING , I MISS U ">http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/01/198718/198718.jpg" border="0"/> keep smilling
Good morning ">http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/01/198449/1984491.jpg" border="0"/> Always B happy,Always wear a smile;not bcoz life is full ofreason to smile,but bcoz ur Smile itself is a reason4 many others to SMILE.GUDMRG ">http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/01/198322/198322.jpg" border="0"/> keep smilling