A bell is not a bell until someone rings it,a song is not a song until someone sings it.Love wasnt put in the heart to stay, for love isnt lovetil you give it away.....g0od m0rning ....
Why do we need Close Frenz? . 4 those honest opinions.. . -2 pick us frm Railway Station @ 2am.. . -2 kick u at midnight on ur B’day.. . -2 mak fun of our new outfits.. . -2 get latest prints of movies.. . -2 call @3am just to say gn.. . -4 d endless treats.. . -2 irritate us wid missed calls wen v r sleeping.. . -Sending lot of msgs though U DONT REPLY.. . -Or maybe just 4 .
good night ">http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad201/radusha_01/Good%20night/Night-5.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://i823.photobucket.com/albums/zz155/tazya_2009/sashaj700/whale%20of%20beauty-Scrapblog/have_a_beautiful_weekend_red_glitter_rose.gif" border="0"/>