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10 years ago
Arigatou gozaimasu
Have a lovely day
10 years ago
When life gives you a hundred of reasons to cry,

Show them that you have a thousand of reasons to smile.



Keep smiling always

ohaiyo gozaimasu Yui-san
have a nice day
take care always
10 years ago
Oyasumi... Aijou

Have a Beautiful Dream....

Sleep Well
10 years ago
Wow! Nice to see you after so many days
Hai, watashimo genki desu, arigatou!

Missed you a lot

You know, i have learned so many things about nihongo these days.

"Kyou wa nan nichi desu ka"
( = what date is it today?)
"Kyou wa nan youbi desu ka"
(what day is it today?)
"Ima nan ji desu ka"
(what time is it now?)
Are these right?
10 years ago

Ogenki desu ka?

You have been offline for so many days.
Miss you!
10 years ago
Thank you very very very very very very very much


Have an Excellent time ahead May god fulfil all your wishes
Take carE..
10 years ago
Glad to meet you too.

Yui, Nice name

I don't know you very much but I can surely say you are a good person I have ever seen

Just stay happy and always keep smiling

Sumimasen, but I didn't get the meanings of these lines:-
"Watashi wa koukousei desu..Watashi wa 11-nensei desu..

Watashi wa shashin kurabu no menba desu!!"
I didn't understand what you said can you explain it to me in English please?

and will it do if I ask you to know something about Japanese language?

Have a Wonderful weekend and a lovely Sunday
Thank you.
10 years ago
Good morning
10 years ago
Iie, watashimo genki ja nai desu
If my friends are not alright, them i am also not fine

And thanks for allowing me to ask you anything about nihon and nihongo and you are really a nice person

Hai, I am coming to Japan after a year or two. I am going to work there as an "English teacher" or a "Translator" i am intrested in working in japan because japanese people are nice, respecting and helping. I RESPECT them a lot i will love to work there.

And, watashino namae wa 'akash' desu. Anatawa Mirai-san desu ka?
I mean is your real name Mirai?
Sorry for my bad (broken) Japanese
10 years ago

How are you?

Have a nice day

Take care always
10 years ago
Don't make your feelings like the garden,
Everybody walk on it.
But let it be like the sky, Everybody wishes to touch it.....!

Smile increases value of face,
Anger spoils beauty of soul,
Faith is force of life, Confidence is companion of success,
So keep smiling.

ohaiyo gozaimasu
have a refreshing day
10 years ago
"Hai, watashiwa nihongono gakusei desu" (yes, i am a student of japanese language) I dont know if the sentence i have written above in japanese is right or wrong but i am just trying.
So please dont misunderstand or get angry if i make any mistake while talking in nihongo

I am just glad to have a nihonjin as my friend
Will it do if i ask you something about nihon or nihongo?
Actually i am coming to Japan after 2 years from now. So, I am learning nihongo.

By the way, thanks a lot for being my friend.

10 years ago
Value of relation
is not that how much you feel happy with some one..
But it is that
how much some one feels ALONE without you!

Happiness is not something u postpone for the future.
Its something u design for the present.
Make each moment a happy one.
I just did it by remembering U!

If u wait for happy moments,
u will wait forever.
But if u start believing that u r happy,
u will b happy forever.
Thats life.

have a nice day
take care
10 years ago
Wow! That's Great!
I am Indian and am intrested in making foreign friends. I am a student of japanese language.
I am so glad to have a Japanese friend so i hope that i will be able to learn some japanese language from you
Arigato Gozaimasu
10 years ago
I am also fine
Are you a Japanese citizen?
10 years ago
Arigato gozaimasu
How are you my friend?
10 years ago
Morning Yui-chan kawaii
Have a Lovely Day
10 years ago
Evening Princess Yui..
Have a Lovely Evening

thankyou !!

U know ?
I'm in with someone beside me... That's why I make that as my background in my page..
10 years ago
Have a Lovely day too for U

Keep smile always..
10 years ago
I've been comeback now
Thankyou to wait for me

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