Sleeping is a break between today's expressions and tomorrow's expectations.. so, enjoy the break with Sweet dreams....good night....Take Care....!! have a beautiful week end and great morning friend ">" border="0"/>
Every Morning is a Wonderful Blessing from God, Either Cloudy raining or Sunny shining. It stands for Hope which gives us another start o and good Day!..... -
Friendship is a Rainbow between, Two hearts, sharing seven feelings: 1....Love 2....Happiness 3....Truth 4....Faith 5....Secret 6....Trust & 7....Sadness Hope d Rainbow of our friendship 4ever
GOOD MORNING When Isaygoodmorning I mean tosay:G -odO -ffers us HisO -utstandingD -evotion toM -akeusO -bedient&R -eady for aN -ew day with Him.I -nspireothersplease, andN -everforget (I preferalwaysremember)G -od lovesyou!.