">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MooqAM_QICA/TaXpK2udg5I/AAAAAAAABaE/TfyCbErKgGE/s400/friendship-quotes.png" border="0"/> Full Form Of FRIEND Few Relation In Earth Never Die That Is Friend love you my dear friends qadir husain khan
âhEaRtBeAtS ArE ThE BiGgEsT HyPoCrItEs iN ThE WoRlD, tHeY BeAt iN YoUr bOdY BuT, aLwAyS DaNcE To tHe tUnE Of sOmEoNe eLsE...' StRaNg bUt tRuE...WiShInG LoVeLy nIgHt...
Who's hot... Its U, Who's Charming... Its U, Who's Sweetest.. Its U, Who's Intelligent... Its U, Who's dear & near friend... Its U, Who's a liar.. Its me!
">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_E0lrTQ7bI1Q/TSQNzRnwjbI/AAAAAAAADLA/qXgNAN3jWy8/s1600/Snow+falling+cute+angel+with+umbrella+rare+wallpapers.jpg" border="0"/> TAK CRE DEAR
">http://media.picfor.me/00189858/100-Beautiful-Night-Scene-Photos-%7C-Photo-Contests-And-Tutorials-PXLShots-com-light-Night-Scene-xmas-city-fireworks-nice-Cool-Pics-loved-christmas-crismath-x-mas-SylvesterNeujahr_large.jpg" border="0"/> VE A LUVLY NITE DEAR KEEP SMILING ALWAYS
please don’t be sad, I want you to be glad. And when you said you couldn’t do it, I was not mad. I will still love you, Like no one ever had. Cause you are my friend, And all wounds will mend. If you ever need a helping hand, I will immediately lend. And don’t ever doubt it, But we will always be together till the end…
the best friend will come to you when you are happy and sad. will accept you who you are. will always support you whatever it during it's good. will learn you. will advice you. they will cry if you cry. will laugh if you laugh. they hate if there are something disturb you. will share anything. will keep your secret. and give a "meaning" "friendship is happiness"
Nothing is to want... Nothing is to say... GOD BLESS YOU! It"s my Pray... HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY MY DEAR FRIEND â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥ QADIR HUSAIN KHAN â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥â¥