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11 years ago
u r come on l!ne why u not send message madam san?a
11 years ago
heloooooooooooooo madam
12 years ago

EveN afteR all this tiMe
tHe suN NeveR sayS to the eaRtH,
"You owe Me."
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the wHole Sky.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Friend gives you smile
But true friend gives you happiness

Friend will lie about you
But true friend won’t tell your weakness

Friend knives your back
But true friend will slog your face

Thousands friends come when you’re happy
But only one true friend comes when you cry

Friend comes when he needs you
But true friend comes when you need him

Friend leaves when everybody does
But true friend comes when everybody leaves

Friend comes and leaves
But true friend is yours forever

12 years ago

12 years ago


12 years ago

Throw me a line here,
Or there,
Thats not what i meant,
Throw me a line not a line,
Not that line,
Lets not go into this any more,
Just throw me a line,
Not that one.

12 years ago

ĦąÞÞÝ ѓÔŚξ Ďãỵ

12 years ago

‘Twas deep; so deep of night,
When I saw what I had seen -
So truly deep of night,
When I went where I had been,
And really deep of night,
When I heard what I had heard:
Perhaps a fox or badger,
Or a sort of night-time bird.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas late that night of nights,
When something there was there -
So very late that night of nights,
Where that thing was where -
'Twas deep of night of nights,
When it ran to where it ran:
Perhaps a stoat or Billy goat,
Or ghostly little man.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas in the night of night of nights,
When something scary caused a scare -
So late of night of night of nights,
When something hairy raised my hair -
The deep of night of night of nights…
So don't you wonder what it was?
Well I never really truly saw it -
Why? Because because!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas in the night of night of night of nights
Oh I've had enough!
Night night.

12 years ago

School is like a prison
We can’t leave,

School is like an island
We are all trapped,

School is like a pie
It is good at first until you reach the crust,

School is like a toilet
It is full of germs,

School is like a salad
You have to put something on it to make it better,

School is like a stupid cat
It never dies,

School is like a garbage truck
It smells, it’s big and you can smell it from a mile away,

School is like a baby
It always needs your attention,

School is like a shark
It just keeps chasing,

School is like going to jail
You never want to go back,

12 years ago

The Words have been said
The damage has been dealt
No tears are to be shed
For there is no emotions felt

Say what you want to say
It doesn’t matter no more
I won’t choose your way
I already locked that door

Be what ever you want
I honestly don’t even care
Go ahead and taunt
No word from me, I swear

Do whatever you want to
It won’t do nothing towards me
For I can promise you
I’m the one you’ll never see

Whatever road you choose
It matters to me none
For it’s just old news
The drama is done

12 years ago

Step out in the sun,
Dance along the breeze,
And swirl around with fun,
Forget your past dear,
Day of charm has come,
Start a new life from now,
A brand new day has begun.

12 years ago
helooooooooooo where are u here are another acconut
12 years ago

12 years ago

monsters don't sleep
under your BED,
they sleep inside
your HEAD.

12 years ago

12 years ago

Music to me can be loud
like thunder in my head
music to me can be soft
that draws me to my bed
music to me is life
music to me is strong
music to me makes me feel like
I can do no wrong
music makes you full of sorrow
or it makes you full of joy
music makes a better tomorrow
or makes you awfully coy
music makes you fearless
music makes you tearless
music can make you a star
music to me
is when you see
who you really are

12 years ago
heloooooooooooooooo where are u madam
12 years ago

Food Food Food
All are here for food
All evolve from food
All act for food
All think about food.

All know no food
No existence.

Food come from rain
Rain ensues from sacrifice
Sacrifice rooted
In prescribed action
Prescribed action
Originate from knowledge
Knowledge proceed from you
You my dear not destructible.

So long as you are there
Food is there
You are all pervading
You are infinite
I the finite
Long for you
Through the food
Supplied to me
Only by you
And the food
Itself you.

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