jahangir01739  guestbook (13) Sign guestbook

10 years ago
ekhane ami new amar aktaw friend nai.amiki apnar friend hote pari?
10 years ago
12 years ago
Name change tai bujte parini. 2i ai khane ! Wow
12 years ago
Ami 2mar nahiyan8
13 years ago

I mIsS YoU WhEn sOmEtHiNg rEaLLy GoOd hApPeNs,
BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE OnE I WaNt tO ShArE It wItH.
I mIsS YoU WhEn sOmEtHiNg iS TrOubLinG Me,
BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE OnE WhO UnDeRsTaNdS Me sO WeLL.
I MiSs yOu wHeN I LaUgH AnD CrY
BeCaUsE I KnOw tHaT YoU ArE ThE OnE
ThAt mAkEs mY LaUgHtEr gRoW AnD My tEaRs dIsApPeAr.
I MiSs yOu aLL tHe tImE,
BuT i mIsS YoU MoSt wHeN I LaY AwAkE At nIgHt aNd
ThInK oF aLL ThE WoNdErFuL TiMeS
We sPeNt wItH EaCh oThEr
FoR tHoSe wErE SoMe oF ThE BeSt tImEs oF My LiFe...

''ZiNdAgI.. YaAnI KyA?
eK DhUnDlI Si sHaAm,4 FrNdS,4 cUp cHaI,1 tAbLe!!
ZiNdAgI.. YaNi kYa?
CoLlEgE Ke dOsT,bUnK KiYa hUa LecTuRe,1 KaChOrI,
2 sAmOsE AuR BiLL pAr hOnEwALa JhAgDa!
ZinDaGi.. yAnI KyA?
pHoNe uThAtE Hi pAdNe wALi DoSt kI MeEtHi sI GaLi,
AuR SoRrY KeHnE PaR, 1 aUr gAaLi!!
ZiNdAgI.. YaNi kYa?
KuCh saLo BaAd,
AcHnAk pUrAnE DoStO Ki yAaD!1 sMs,
DhUnDhLi pAdI KuCh bHeGi yAdEiN AuR,
aNkHo mEiN AyE HuE AaNsU!!''
mAy nAhI JaNtA YeE ZiNdAgI.. KyA?"
PaR DoSt tErE YaAaD..tErE MuSkUrAt..TeRe hAr bAaAaT...
fIr yAaD DiLaTa hAy...mAy zInDa hUuUn......
">http://img1.123tagged.com/en/stilllife/80.jpg" border="0"/>

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13 years ago

The 3 Toughest Questions a Woman Can Ask a Man...
The questions are:

Do i LOoK FaT?
Do yOu LovE Me?
WhaT WoUlD YoU Do iF I DiEd?
WhaT MaKeS ThEsE QuEsTiOnS So dIfFiCuLt iS ThAt eVeRy oNe iS GuArAnTeEd tO ExpLodE InTo a mAjOr aRgUmEnT If tHe mAn aNsWeRs iNcOrReCtLy (i.e TeLlS ThE TrUtH). ThErEfOrE, aS A PubLic sErViCe, EaCh qUeStIoN Is aNaLyZeD BeLoW, aLoNg wItH PoSsIbLe rEsPoNsEs. qUeStIoN # 1: dO I LoOk fAt?
tHe cOrReCt aNsWeR Is aN EmPhAtIc: ''Of cOuRsE NoT!'' aMoNg tHe iNcOrReCt aNsWeRs aRe:
cOmPaReD To wHaT?
I WouLdn't cALL YoU FaT, bUt yOu'rE NoT ExActLy ThIn.
a LittLe ExTrA WeIgHt LooKs gOoD On yOu.
i'vE SeEn fAtTeR.

QuEsTiOn # 2: Do yOu LovE Me?
tHe pRoPeR ReSpOnSe iS: ''yEs!'' Or, If yOu fEeL A MoRe dEtAiLeD AnSwEr iS In oRdEr, ''YeS, dEaR.'' iNaPpRoPrIaTe rEsPoNsEs iNcLuDe:
i sUpPoSe sO.
WoUlD It mAkE YoU FeEl bEtTeR If i sAiD YeS?
ThAt dEpEnDs oN WhAt yOu mEaN By lOvE.
DoEs iT MaTtEr?
wHo, Me?

qUeStIoN #3: WhAt wOuLd yOu dO If i dIeD?
A DeFiNiTe nO-WiN QuEsTiOn. (tHe rEaL AnSwEr, Or cOuRsE,
nO MaTtEr hOw yOu aNsWeR ThIs, Be pRePaReD FoR At LeaSt aN HoUr oF FoLLoW-uP QuEsTiOnS, uSaLLy aLoNg tHe tHeSe LinEs:
ShE.... WoUlD YoU GeT MaRrIeD AgAiN?
He.... dEfInItElY NoT!
ShE.... wHy nOt – dOn't yOu lIkE BeInG MaRrIeD?
He.... oF CoUrSe i dO.
ShE.... tHeN WhY WoUlDn't yOu rEmArRy?
hE.... OkAy, I'D GeT MaRrIeD AgAiN.
ShE.... yOu wOuLd? (wItH A HuRtFuL LoOk oN HeR FaCe)
hE.... YeS, i wOuLd.
ShE.... WoUlD YoU SlEeP WiTh hEr iN OuR BeD?
He….. wHeRe eLsE WoUlD We sLeEp?
ShE.... WoUlD YoU PuT AwAy mY PiCtUrEs, AnD RePlAcE ThEm wItH PiCtUrEs oF HeR?
He.... tHaT WoUlD SeEm lIkE ThE PrOpEr tHiNg tO Do.
ShE.... AnD WoUlD YoU LeT HeR UsE My GoLf cLUbS?
He.... sHe cAn't uSe tHeM; sHe's LefT-HaNdEd.

">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/0ef82dc1f68dd67b444fa3406b6ff210.gif" border="0"/>
13 years ago

am Brenda by name
nice to meet you, i will like you to write me back so that i will tell you more about me (brendamoyo1@live.com)
13 years ago


WhEn i wAs bOrN...
A GrEaT WoMaN WaS ThErE To hoLd Me- My mOtHeR!!!
WheN I GrEw aS A ChIlD... l
A WoMaN WaS ThErE To cArE FoR Me aNd pLaY WiTh mE- mY SiStEr!!!
WhEn i wEnT To sChOoL...
A WoMaN WaS ThErE tO HeLp mE LeArN- mY TeAcHeR!!!
WheN I BeCaMe dEpReSsEd aNd wHeNeVeR I LoSt...
A wOmAn wAs tHeRe tO OfFeR A ShOuLdEr- mY FrIeNd...!!!
WhEn i nEeDeD CoMpAnY, cOmPaTaBiLiTy aNd lOvE...
A GrEaT WoMaN WaS ThErE FoR Me- My wIfE...!!!
WheN I BeCaMe tOuGh...
A wOmAn wAs tHeRe tO MeLt mE- mY DaUgHtEr...!!!
AnD.. WhEn i dIe...
A WoMaN Is tHeRe tO AbSoRb mE In- My mOtHeRlAnD!!!**

If yOu aRe a mAn..VaLuE EvErY WoMaN!!
aNd..If yOu aRe a wOmAn...bE PrOuD To bE ThE OnE!!
cOuRaGiOuS hApPy EvnInG...

13 years ago
Vai valo achen to ?
13 years ago
Eid valo katche re vai.john er mon kharap cilo bidhay saradin tar sathe ghureci.onek jaygay geche.asole vaia tomar kotha o praye bole.tasara john er mon ta bisal.apni eid kemon korechen janalen na j.ar john k ami market kore diace amr vag theke.ekta sirt o pant .valo thako.eid kemon korechen janayien.ar amr profile a john er ekta pic ache.eid er din tola.dekheo.
13 years ago
Vaia valo acho ? Tomar kotha john er kasche khub suni.tumi naki khub valo.
13 years ago
Amar phn er last digit 27 noy,
13 years ago
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