ملفي الشخصي


أخر دخول: 12 سنة
عضو منذ: 12 سنة
المدينة: ohio
الجنس: أنثى
العمر: 36

Trusted OwnSkiner

المزيد عني

العلاقة: في علاقة
المهنة: the world
الشركات: peace, amp, love
المدارس: BTHS
أنا أحب: music, art, cooking, love, outside, concerts, birds, trees, kids
أنا أكره: liars, cheeters, bills, high heels, bad music, burnt food lol, being alone, people who think they are always right
الموسيقى المفضلة: love classic rock, metal, oldies but goodies, pop, rap, OPERA
الأفلام المفضل: fried green tomatos, the notebook, the crow, freddie crouger, Jason, BIG
الكتب المفضلة: food for dumbies, happy ever after, how to fix your life
المشاهير المفضلون: adrian brody
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OwnSkin في صندوق


hey im Kristy Marie, im 23 bout to be 24 next month! Im in a relationship with the best man I have been with him for 5 years strong! No children yet but we do want a family! As of right now I am living by myself in a 2 bedroom townhouse with my cat (Kya Mya)..... All my friends would say that I am a fool blooded Hippie and I would have to agree! Im also an old soul, very easy too get along with but dont mistake that bc I dont take no shit and I will call ya out on it! I sing and play piano and I also love art! if there is anything else you would like to know just get at me! K man later......

سجل زواري (8) وقع في سجل زواري

12 سنة
12 سنة
hi ،،
12 سنة
BLUE HAIR lol love it!
12 سنة
hows everyone doin today?
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