Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 12 years ago
Themero desde: 16 years ago
Comunidad/Localidad: pontianak
Genero: Femenino
Edad: 37

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Soltero
Modelo de Movil: nokia 6120 classic
Operador de Movil: telkomsel, indosat
Ocupación: College student
Escuela: university of tanjungpura
Me gusta: music, n0vel, chocolate, l0ve
Odio: liar, betrayer
Música Favorita: anything sounds good
Peliculas Favoritas: collosal, horror, thriller, action, comedy
Libros Favoritos: anything interesting, n0vel, c0mics
Famosos Favoritos: Me, you
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life is like roller coaster

OwnSkin In-A-Box

Sobre Mi

email me at gessya413@yahoo.co.id____ **Life is a challenge_Meet it **Life is a gift _Accept it **Life is an adventure_Dare it **Life is a_sorrow_Face it **Life is a duty_Perform it **Life is a mystery_Unfold it **Life is a game_Play it **Life is a song_Sing it **Life is an opportunity_Take it **Life is a journey_Complete it **Life is a promise_Fulfill it **Life is a love_Love it **Life is a beauty_Praise it **Life is a spirit_Realize it **Life is a struggle_Fight it **Life is a puzzle_Solve it **Life is a goal_Achieve it** LIFE IS...... LIKE A ROLLER COASTER...!!

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11 years ago
ges ini aq faisal klau seandainya kakak ol di fb cari aq pke nama faisal967 ya...mkasih
13 years ago
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