Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 15 years ago
Themero desde: 15 years ago
Genero: Femenino
Edad: 38

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Es un Secreto
Modelo de Movil: nokia N95
Ocupación: student
Escuela: our lady of fatima university
Música Favorita: any kind of music will do, i love music
Peliculas Favoritas: serendipity
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ish: think of me as the barbie you'll never get to play with..

OwnSkin In-A-Box

Sobre Mi

OBSESSED WITH: bags, shoes and accessories..
OWNS DOZENS OF: bags..haha
CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: my celphone..ahaha i txt a lot..
ON WEEKENDS I WEAR: it varies..either i'm dressed up or dressed down..
BIGGEST SPLURGE: all on accessories..
WON'T BE CAUGHT WEARING: miniskirts..haha it's pretty uncomfortable..
I'M CRUSHING IF: i'm fussing over the guy..
CAN'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT: accessories..haha
SOMEDAY I WANT TO: travel and learn to speak french..
MY TYPE OF GUY SHOULD BE: everything that's more likely my bestfriend..
STYLE TIP: "if it makes you feel good..wear it.."
RANDOM FACT: i can't swim! haha
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