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4 years ago

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5 years ago
كيف حالكم والله ليكم وحشه يارب تكونوا بخير اخوكم ابوبكر انا موجود ع الفيس اسمي ع الفيس ابوبكرالجود
9 years ago

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9 years ago
yes i believe you
9 years ago
Who is Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him?
من هو محمّد، صل الله عليه وسلّم؟

He is the one who defended the rights of all humanity 1400 years ago.
هو الذي دافع عن حقوق كل البشر منذ 1400 عام.

He defended men's, women's and children rights
حفظ حقوق الرجال وحقوق النساء وحقوق الصغار

He commanded and fostered the love between relatives and neighbors
أمر بالحب والود بين الأقارب والجيران

He established a coexistence relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims
وأسس علاقة تعايش بين المسلمين وغير المسلمين

He organized the relationship between the members of the family putting duties on sons and daughters towards the parents
ونظم العلاقات الأسرية التي تضمن للأب وللأم حقوق كبيرة وعظيمة على أبنائهم

He fought injustice, called for justice, love, unity and cooperation for the good.
منع الظلم ودعا للعدل و المحبة والتكاتف والتعاون للخير

He called for helping the needy, visiting the patients, love and exchanging advises between people.
دعا لمساعدة المحتاج وزيارة المريض والمحبة والتناصح بين الناس

He prohibited (by orders from God) bad manners such as stealing, lying, torturing and murdering.
منع على المسلمين المعاملات السيئة مثل السرقة والغش والقتل والظلم

He is the one who changed our lives and manners to be better.
إنه من غير حياتنا وطباعنا السيئة إلى حسنة

A Muslim doesn't steal
المسلم .. لا يسرق

A Muslim doesn't lie
المسلم لا يكذب

A Muslim doesn't drink alcohol.
المسلم لا يشرب الخمر

A Muslim doesn't commit adultery
المسلم لا يزنى

A Muslim doesn't cheat
المسلم لا يغش

A Muslim doesn't kill innocent people
المسلم لا يقتل الأبرياء

A Muslim doesn't harm his neighbors
المسلم لا يؤذي جارة

A Muslim obeys his parents and helps them
المسلم يبر بوالديه و يخدمهما

A Muslim is kind to young and elderly people, to women and to weak people.
المسلم يعطف على الصغار وعلى النساء وعلى الضعفاء وكبار السن

A Muslim doesn't torture humans or even animals, and does not harm trees
المسلم لا يعذب البشر ولا الحيوانات ولا يؤذي الأشجار

A Muslim loves his wife and takes c
10 years ago
nice profile. perfect
11 years ago
: Heart:
Dreamland ... land of dreams ...

Which is no more unpleasant events ...

So where are and where to find her heart

might be enough to knock ... Then open

up the big door ... I see a world unknown

to us ... World of mystery and wonder of

great ... A droplet of happiness around ...

Droplets of strength and great power ..

And quiet haven of dark night and a breath

of fear dissipates heat as lucky as I tear

us sing ... kisses

11 years ago

A new day brings joy let,
let's open the gates of happiness.
To when you were close, the day was
nice and enjoyable. Love and kindness
of the people support the heart when
in need. Bring some sunshine to let
them raise a smile and joy for you.
Ordinary becomes extraordinary look
when viewed with the heart. Common
words become magic when we are able
to understand . Conventional gestures
are like gold when you are truly done.
Heart smile warmly greet leave. .

11 years ago

<img src=" <img src="img/emoticons/9.gif" border="0"/>">

11 years ago
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Wishing ya a Happy day dear friend

with Love @@@@@ Alina
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