Tarik0150  留言板 (36) 留言

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8 年前
8 年前
11 年前
My name is miss Joy , I saw your profile today and I will like to have a mutual relationship with you,can you write to me with my mail private id (joydion47@yahoo.com) we can start from there,also i will send you my picture. please contact me directly on my private email (joydion47@yahoo.com) there is something crucial i will like to share with you and i know that our meeting is not by accident rather nature taking it's cause. take care and lots of love, please don't mind the distance and color it has nothing to do with love
God bless you
12 年前
12 年前
12 年前
12 年前
12 年前
hw u bro
12 年前
12 年前
happy b'day friend !
12 年前
Salam tarik thanks
12 年前

'OnCe a wIsE MaN AsKeD 2 GoD,
WhAt iS ThE MeAnInG Of LifE?
gOd RepLiEd: LifE ItSeLf hAs nO MeAnInG In iT,
LifE Is aN OpPoRtUnItY To cReAtE A MeAnInG...
GoD Is tHe bEsT LiStEnEr..
yOu dOn't nEeD To sHoUt nOr cRy LouD.
BeCaUsE He hEaR'S EvEn tHe vErY SiLeNt
pRaYeR Of a sInCeRe hEaRt.'

'ChAaR PaLo kI H Ye zInDgAaNi, iSe uSuLoN Me mAt sAmEtNa..
KhUd kE HiSsE Ka tO Ji LetE HaI SaBhI,
KaBhI DuSrO Ka hIsSa b bAnKaR DeKhNa...
MaYuS HoNa eK GuNaH HoTa h...
MiLtA WaHi jO KiSmAt mE LiKhA HoTa h..
HaR ChIz mIlE HuMe zArUrI NaHi,
kUcH ChIzO K InTzAr mE Hi mAzA HoTa h....
rAaT Ne cHaDr sAmEt Li H..
SuRaJ Ne kIrNe bIkHeR Di h..
ChLiYe uThIyE,ThAnKs kIjIyE Us kHuDa kO...
JiSnE ApKo iTnI PyArI SuBh dI H..
gUd mRnG...
12 年前
Flowers Comments
HIPISH - Lots of Comments
" border="0"/> Love Comments
HIPISH - Lots of Comments
" border="0"/> Hugs Comments
HIPISH - Lots of Comments
" border="0"/> Hugs Comments
HIPISH - Lots of Comments
" border="0"/> Angels Comments
HIPISH - Lots of Comments
" border="0"/> Welcome Comments
HIPISH - Lots of Comments
" border="0"/>
12 年前

موقع التعارف وتكوين الصداقات من جميع الدول العربي

">http://up.z7mh.com/upfiles/7k279450.gif" border="0"/>


">http://up.z7mh.com/upfiles/gah79450.jpg" border="0"/>

12 年前

صباحك قهوة

">http://up.z7mh.com/upfiles/uop48240.jpg" border="0"/>

صباح الخير

صباح السعادة

صباح مشبع بصوت فيروز الشجي

وومزوج برائحة القهوة الساخنة الشهيه

صباحكم حب

صباحكم شوق

صباحكم مكلل بلون سعيد

صباحكم يفوح منه رائحه الجوري

12 年前
merry x'mas & happy new year
12 年前

''ShOrT LoVe sToRy:
BoY: I LoVe yOuR SmiLE
GirL : I LoVe mY SmiLe ToO BuT WhY Do yOu LovE It ?
BoY : I LoVe iT BeCaUsE I LoVe sEeInG YoU HaPpY
wHy dO YoU LoVe iT ?
GirL : BeCaUsE YoU ArE ThE ReAsOn fOr iT...''

WhEn yOu rEaD A LoVe qUoTe...
u nEvEr tHiNk oF ThE PeRsOn wHo hAs wRiTtEn
Or sEnD ThE QuOtE
BuT YoU aLwaYz tHiNk oF ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe tHe mOsT
CarE ThAt pErSoN WhO CaRe yOu..LovE ThAt pErSoN WhO LoVe yOu...

FriEnDs aRe LifE.So i TeLL U Ur mY LiFe...

thanX frn
12 年前

حللت اهلا ووطأت سهلا بارك الله بك وباخوتك
امممممممم عفوا اخي انا افضل ان اكون خارج التاريخ
لانو اذا دشيت بالتاريخ منو بيطلعني منه

مرحبا بك وباخوتك
12 年前

3 ThInGs tO LeArN FrOm a cHiLd:

TO Be hApPy fOr nO ReAsOn..?
TO Be aLwAyS BuSy dOiNg sOmEtHiNg..?
TO KnOw hOw tO DeMaNd sMaLL tHiNgS WiThOuT EgO..?
GoOd nIgHt...kEeP FoLLOwiNG Ur dReAmS UnTiL U MeEt dEm...

12 年前
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