About Me

.. there is nothing much to say abOut mE,cOz what u sEe is realy the reaL me .. i'm not superficiaL and i dOesn't carE what Other people think abOut me ..
.. i might be a snOb fOr thOse pEopLe who reaLy dOn't knOw me. i might lOok sEriOus, but i'm a good friEnd. at first sigHt, i may sEem jUst a typicaL teEn agEr, bUt Once u get tO knOw mE, yOu'll surEly think that im One heLL Of an extraOrdinary girL ..
.. i'm a certified stuff tOys addict and sELf-cOnfessed tExt addict, but i can still sQueeze with my stUdies despite my bUsy schedule Of texting, playing with my stuff and eNtertaining my sUitOrs .. HAHA ( kidding ) ..
.. when i lOve sOmeOne, i take all cOnsequEnces fOr that lOve, i never give Up and thats what makes mE a sUrvivOr, what i want i get! ..
.. my favOrite pastimes arE rEading UnusuaL kinds Of jokes, especially On filipinO and erap jOkes, cOz i find jOy on reading thEm ..
.. i'm a dOwn tO earth persOn, a friend in a milliOn whOm yOu can eAsiLy be cOmfOrtabLe with, i wOuld never let yOu dOwn ..
.. things like grEen jOkes are what i disLikes, i rEaly avOid green stuff. i'm a bit shy, but adventOurOus type of persOn ..